Arkansas Office
1200 W. Walnut St.,
Ste. 3405
Rogers, AR 72756
Missouri Office
P.O. Box 636
11 Oak Drive
Kimberling City, MO 65686
Cleaner Water Together
Grants are available to help replace failing septic systems in the
Crane Creek & Lower James River watersheds!
Several organizations are working together to complete a James River Watershed Management Plan through a Clean Water Act grant from the Department of Natural Resources. Part of this process is to implement a “Demonstration Project” in the watershed that will have a positive impact on the water quality.
H2Ozarks is implementing a program to replace at least 5 failing septic systems in the Crane Creek and lower James River Watersheds (see maps for eligible areas) with an income-based grant to the homeowner to replace the failed system.
Interested homeowners should contact H 2Ozarks to determine eligibility and would need to follow the application process to receive the grant. The homeowner would also need to provide the match portion of the cost of the project. Approval must be granted prior to having the septic system replaced
If you are interested in learning more, please contact us or call 417-739-5001.
How you can help
Interested in becoming a member of the Stakeholder Advisory Group?