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Mill Creek Cost-Share Program

Cleaner Water Together

Now accepting applications for our Mill Creek Cost-Share program!  Click here to apply!

At H2Ozarks, we are dedicated to supporting landowners in your conservation efforts. We seek to understand your unique land management goals and provide valuable resources and information. When your interest in sustainable land management intersects with protecting our valuable water resources, our team is here to assist you! Explore our programs and discover how we can work together to achieve your conservation objectives and promote a healthier watershed for all.

Connecting in Mill Creek and Crooked Creek – Boone and Newton Counties

The Mill Creek and Crooked Creek (also known as Flatrock Creek) subwatersheds are of great importance to water quality in Northwest Arkansas. They have been identified as a priority area for nonpoint source pollution control by the Arkansas Department of Natural Resources (ADNR). Despite its significance, this portion of the Buffalo River Watershed has received limited outreach and implementation efforts. H2Ozarks is bridging this gap by partnering with landowners in the region through our Mill Creek Cost-Share program. 

Our goal is to provide financial and technical assistance that empowers landowners to adopt conservation practices (CPs). We want this program to  provide both economic and environmental benefits, and our vision is to enhance natural resource management, improve water quality, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Are you located in this region and interested in learning more? Do you have goals for your land that may improve water quality? Please review our eligibility requirements and contact us today!

A map of Boone Newton with a purple circle in the middle of it

questions & Answers

  • What is the Mill Creek Cost-Share Program?

    The Mill Creek Cost-Share program is a partnership between local landowners H2Ozarks where we provide funding for land management projects that also implement conservation practices, sustainable land use, or promote water quality. It's a mutually beneficial relationship that will yield both economic and evironmental benefits!

  • What kind of funding do you provide?

    Funding assistance is provided to landowners to offset the cost of implementing conservation practices. The cost-share rates and caps vary by practice (see Appendix 1 of the Program Description & Eligibility form for a full list), but eligible participants can receive 80%-100% cost coverage   for approved land management practices.

    100% Cost Share 

    • Certain high-priority practices are covered at 100%, up to a maximum of $7,500 per project. Landowners are responsible for any costs that exceed the program’s maximum limits. 

    80% Cost Share 

    • Other eligible practices are covered at 80%, up to a maximum of $7,500 per project. Landowners are responsible for 20% of the project costs plus any costs that exceed the program’s maximum limits. 

    All conservation practices must be guided by an existing land management plan and site assessment. The reimbursement amount for projects costs shall be the lesser between the estimated project cost based on NRCS Payment Schedules and the actual project cost. All project expenditures must be identified in itemized receipts to be eligible for reimbursement. Please review all program documentation for full details on eligibility, funding, and program requirements.

    View Program Files
  • What kind of projects can receive funding?

    There are lots of ways to manage land that also benefit water quality! You may not realize just how much of a difference small changes can make. 

    Eligible Conservation Practices (CPs) include:

    • Livestock fencing 
    • Prescribed burns
    • Prescribed grazing
    • Riparian (streambed) plantings
    • Tree plantings 
    • Pond installment
    • And more!

    See the full list of eligible CPs, including the percentage reimbursed by H2Ozarks and the maximum amount paid in Appendix 1 of the Program Description and Eligibility form. 

    View Program Files
  • Who can receive this funding?

    To participate in the Mill Creek Cost-Share Program, applicants must meet the eligibility criteria detailed below.

    • Applicants must own or have management authority for the land where the conservation practice is  installed. (Must have proof of ownership or management authority, such as a deed, lease agreement, or similar documentation.) 
    • The land must be located within the program’s designated area – inside the Mill Creek (a.k.a., Flatrock Creek) subwatershed of the Buffalo River Watershed OR the Dogpatch Springs Recharge Area (which covers a portion of the Crooked Creek subwatershed to the north.) See figure 1 (above, or in the Program Description & Eligibility form) of the program area; H2Ozarks staff can help verify eligible locations. 
    • For conservation practice installations, an appropriate Management Plan must already exist or be developed first.  See the Program Description & Eligibility form below for more information on Management Plans
    • Participants must be committed to implementing and maintaining the conservation practices funded by the program for the period of life expectancy of the practice, which is outlined in the program agreement. 
    • The proposed project must be for practice(s) listed in Appendix 1 of the Program Description & Eligibility   
    • The project must address one or more program goals, such as improving water quality or reducing nonpoint source pollution. 
    • Applicants must agree to allow program staff or their designees access to the project site for a final inspection after installation is complete. The site will only be accessed with landowner approval and at scheduled times.  
    • Participants must provide all required documentation, including a completed application, maps, and any other supporting materials specified by the program. 
    • Applicants must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations related to the proposed practices. 

    Please review the Program Description & Eligibility form for further details about eligibility and applying. 

    View Program Files
  • How is this program funded?

    This program is made possible through funding from the Arkansas Natural Resources Division 319 Non-Point Source Pollution Program and the Environmental Protection Agency. We are also grateful for the partnership of the Boone County Conservation District, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Quail Forever, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, and others. 

  • I'm interested. Where can I learn more?

    We welcome you to view all our program documents, which are available for download below! 

    Please contact our Program Coordinator, Ayla Grace, if you have any questions.

    • Ayla@h2ozarks.org
    • 479-866-7220
    View program files

Interested in

Learning More?

Please feel free to view all of our program files and learn more about the Mill Creek Cost-Share program.

Ready to apply? Click the button below!

Apply Now! Contact Us

Past Mill Creek projects: landowner workshops

In the fall of 2024, H2Ozarks held a series of workshops designed to collaborate with local landowners and help them meet their land management goals. We partnered with many local conservation groups, including Boone County Conservation District, Newton County Conservation District, the Arkansas Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Division, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, Quail Forever, The Nature Conservancy, the Pollinator Partnership of Arkansas, and the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. 

These workshops were made possible by funding from the Buffalo River Conservation Committee.

Meeting 1 – Riparian Buffer Management

Thursday, September 12, 5:30-7:30 pm

Little Buffalo Convention and Visitor Center, 200 N Spring Street, Jasper, AR 

Food catered by Ozark Café

Meeting 3 – Maximizing Nutrient Management

Monica Hancock, Arkansas Division of Agriculture Natural Resources Division

Tuesday, October 8, 5:30-7:30 pm

The Gathering Barn at Diamond R Ranch, 11153 Erbie Cutoff Road, Harrison, AR

Food catered by Daisy Queen

Meeting 2 – Improving Forest Management 

Chris Wyatt, Arkansas Forestry Commission

Tuesday, September 24, 5:30-7:30 pm

Carroll Electric Cooperative, 511 Court Street, Jasper, AR

Food catered by Jasper Pizza Company

Meeting 4 – Pasture and Forage Management 

Cody Carlile, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Thursday, October 24, 5:30-7:30 pm

The Gathering Barn at Diamond R Ranch, 11153 Erbie Cutoff Road, Harrison, AR

Food catered by Daisy Queen

Just a few of the expected conservation practices eligible for cost-share include:

& Many more!

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